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Infernal TV Interviews

Sami Hinkka of Ensiferum Discusses Two Paths

Ensiferum brings an otherworldly atmosphere to their music. Each song you listen to sounds mythical with its use of folk instruments and chanting vocalizing. Because of this, Ensiferum gained notoriety. Even though Ensiferum sounds like they emerged from folklore, Ensiferum is delivering more raw material with their newest album Two Paths. With their new single “For Those about to Fight Metal,” the folk metal horde emerges with fast riffing and a larger prevalent of harsh vocals. While Ensiferum will always rule folk metal, they’re proving they can also be masters at writing their music with a more aggressive style.

Overall, Ensiferum is a band that combines their unadulterated style with energy. The most memorable quality of Ensiferum’s music is it sounds like you’re advancing into battle; you’re forced to beg for mercy as Ensiferum’s strength overpowers you. And with each album, Ensiferum grows even more unique. When their newest album, Two Paths, is released on September 15, get ready to patch those battle wounds!

Compared to their previous material, “For Those about to Fight Metal” sounds lethal. The album is titled Two Paths, but Ensiferum is following one demolishing path. While the song follows their classic melodic structure, the aggression is amplified. With fast riffing and swift drumming, Ensiferum let their brutal side loose.

Ensiferum’s bassist and vocalist Sami Hinkka spoke to us about Two Paths, the writing of the album, and how they try and improve with each album.

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Stephanie Jensen

My name is Stephanie Jensen. I started my career as a music journalist five years ago. I had the idea for Infernal TV when I realized I desired more creative direction. I enjoyed working with video, so I decided to create a video-based website for metal bands.

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