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Episodes Infernal TV

Infernal TV Episode 5 – Ensiferum

No other band in folk metal brings more action than Ensiferum. Unlike other bands in the genre, Ensiferum brings all of the best aspects of metal into their music. Ensiferum has raw energy while utilizing melody to make their songs catchy. In short, every song sounds like you’re preparing for battle, but also contains an otherworldly atmosphere.

“For Those About to Fight Metal” is a truly powerful song. Every second of the song sounds like Ensiferum is preparing for combat. With the fast riffing and dominance of harsh vocals, Ensiferum is definitely taking a more brutal approach. I truly hope the rest of Two Paths sounds like this! If you’re about to fight metal, prepare to feel the wrath of Ensiferum!

I really appreciated my interview with bassist and vocalist Sami Hinkka. He’s very nice, outgoing, informative, and gives off an overall positive impression. I could tell he’s passionate about music — not just passionate about his band or their success, but he truly has a love for music.

Ensiferum’s newest album, Two Paths, will be released on September 15. It already looks like a busy year for Ensiferum. They are touring in central Europe in 2017. But for 2018, expect a world tour…and maybe another surprise.

Episode 5 features my interview with Sami Hinkka. In the interview, Sami discusses Two Paths, the writing of the album, and how they try and improve with each album.

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Stephanie Jensen

My name is Stephanie Jensen. I started my career as a music journalist five years ago. I had the idea for Infernal TV when I realized I desired more creative direction. I enjoyed working with video, so I decided to create a video-based website for metal bands.

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