Chaos and Carnage Tour 2019 Show Review: We Will Never See Another Packed Lineup Like This

Chaos and Carnage Tour came to St. Petersburg on May 16 and 2019 will never see a packed lineup like that in a long time. Seriously? Whitechapel, Dying Fetus, Revocation, Spite, Fallujah, and Uncured? Whoever thought of this lineup, thank you. Thank you very much. The tour came to Jannus Live, one of my favorite venues in the Tampa area. Sure, it was hot. Sure, the show started early. And I still had a great time!
I arrived at the venue when Uncured was playing (I guess I missed Buried Above Ground, sorry guys!). I never heard of them before so checking them out was cool. They definitely started off the damnation well! They were heavy and had a decent amount of energy, even though the crowd was just starting to make their way into the venue when they were playing. Definitely check these guys out!

Up next was one of my favorite modern bands ever — Fallujah! I’ve been following this band ever since their debut full-length The Harvest Wombs. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve seen them play. But the one aspect that never changes is their incredible live performance! Their whole set was filled with perfect playing and incredible energy.

I was especially excited to see them live because it was my first time seeing them with new vocalist Antonio (or Anthony) Palermo. I actually know his vocal style really well; he had a project Underling with Fallujah bassist Robert Morey and I always really liked that material. Listening to their new album Undying Light, Palermo mainly focuses on high-pitched harsh vocals. All Fallujah fans know former vocalist Alex Hofmann’s signature low-growling style really well. But knowing Palermo’s vocal style, I knew he had an incredible range. So it was no surprise when he did lows for renowned Fallujah songs such as “The Void Alone.”

Even beyond his vocals, his stage presence is top notch. He ran around the stage, taking the crowd by their throats and screamed in everyone’s faces. I knew Palermo was the perfect choice as the new Fallujah vocalist!
While I always love hearing classic Fallujah songs live, I was curious to hear new material. Every song they play sounds perfect and the new material is no exception. They took songs such as “Hollow” to a whole new level live. Undying Light is truly going to help Fallujah take off into different realms as a band.

After Fallujah, it was Spite’s time to take the floor. This was another band I never heard of and I was really impressed. They put on an awesome show! They’re different than a lot of the bands in that modern deathcore/hardcore genre. Every member of that band is talented and their songs encompass more dexterity than the other bands in their niche. I’ll definitely keep following them!

I was definitely ecstatic for the next band up — Revocation! This is another band that I love and have seen numerous times. But their set never gets old. This past time is one of the best I’ve ever seen them. They played some of my favorite songs such as the “Existence Is Futile” title track.

One person I have to give a shout out to is vocalist David Davidson. It’s difficult to have a good stage presence when you do vocals and play an instrument. But he still manages to be animated and entertaining each time I see Revocation live.

Up next was the heaviest band on the tour — Dying Fetus! They never fail to be awesome and have been one of my favorite death metal bands for years. This is one of the most legendary death metal bands whose career spans so many great albums. But they never sell out and always stay brutal. Their set list was really long and I wasn’t complaining at all. The more Dying Fetus the better, right? I just wished they played material from my favorite album, Purification Through Violence. They mainly played songs off newer albums like Wrong One to Fuck With and Reign Supreme. But they did play classics like “Eviscerated Offspring,” “Descend Into Depravity” and “Destroy the Opposition.”

And we finally come to the close of the night — Whitechapel. This is another band I’ve been following for years, ever since This Is Exile. Each member marched on stage and started going crazy.

Vocalist Phil Bozeman is one of my favorite vocalists to watch on stage. He never fails to command the crowd. Like Dying Fetus, they also played a long set.
The only critique I have is they didn’t play any material from any of my favorite albums, like This Is Exile or The Somatic Defilement. I saw them live back when those albums first came out, so I experienced their best material like “Father of Lies” live. But they didn’t play the full range of their discography, which limited their set.
Overall, Chaos and Carnage Tour was a success. Hope to experience these bands live again soon!
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