Stevie Boiser of Inferi Discusses End of an Era: Rebirth and Touring

For years, Inferi has been one of the most underrated bands in the technical death metal genre. Now they’re finally getting out there and making their name a landmark in the genre, as it should be. This whole band is experiencing a rebirth, as we’re seeing with the re-release of the End of an Era album.
The End of an Era is technical but also contains a ferocious element that you don’t see with modern tech death bands. While the original is crushing, there’s something missing. We finally received an improved album with Rebirth. The sound is overall cleaner, better condensed, and overall more powerful. The guitars and bass sound better and vocalist Stevie Boiser adds a new monster to the vocals.
Inferi has changed a lot since the original End of an Era was released in 2009. Guitarist Malcolm Pugh practically gained a whole new band, helping change the band’s sound drastically. We can also see that change with newer albums such as last year’s Revenant.
In addition, Inferi is doing a lot more touring. I’m happy to have seen them twice in about a year. Their live set is crazy and sounds absolutely perfect. Their performance on the Tech Trek tour was the best I had ever seen them. I can’t wait to see how much this band grows in the future!
I was able to speak to Boiser while on the Tech Trek tour. In the interview, he discusses the tour, what he can say about new music and touring, and The End of an Era: Rebirth.
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