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Josh Elmore of Cattle Decapitation Discusses Death Atlas and Touring

Cattle Decapitation is becoming one of the most legendary death metal bands. They’re breaking many barriers in metal — from Travis Ryan’s crazy vocals to their diverse discography. Most of all, Cattle Decapitation isn’t brutal for the sake of being brutal. They have a real message they’re trying to convey.

Before, that message was about our brutal treatment of animals. With their new album Death Atlas, Cattle Decapitation is educating us about our mistreatment of the planet Earth and how it will inevitably lead to our demise.

Traditional Cattle Decapitation elements exist in Death Atlas. Blast beats and heavy riffs fill your speakers. Ryan’s distinguishable vocals have not strayed from their animalistic tones. However, the mood of this album is more somber as opposed to brutal. The melancholy tone matches perfectly with bleak lyrics, such as this one taken from the “Death Atlas” title track:

“We casketed hope in bureaucracy, sunk to the bottom of the sea

Out of sight, out of mind, out of love for money”

In addition, Cattle Decapitation extended their influences for this album. Instead of straight brutality, you hear melodies and unique compositions. This is definitely a Cattle Decapitation album that stands out from the rest.

I’m not sure how many times I’ve seen Cattle Decapitation live. A lot. They played an amazing set in Orlando at The Abbey. They played a combination of new songs such as “The Geocide” as well as classics such as “A Living, Breathing Piece of Defecating Meat.” This was also my first time seeing the band with their new bassist Olivier Pinard and now full-time guitar player Belisario Dimuzio.

I was able to speak to Cattle Decapitation guitarist Josh Elmore. In the interview, we discuss the tour, Death Atlas, and the “Unerasable Past” music video.

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Stephanie Jensen

My name is Stephanie Jensen. I started my career as a music journalist five years ago. I had the idea for Infernal TV when I realized I desired more creative direction. I enjoyed working with video, so I decided to create a video-based website for metal bands.