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Infernal TV Interviews

Enrico Schettino of Hideous Divinity Discusses LV-426 and a New Full-Length

Hideous Divinity is a band that only continues to grow and become better with every release. This definitely goes for the new EP “LV-426.” Even though the EP only has three songs, HD created a release that has a dark atmosphere with amazing songwriting.

I was able to speak to guitarist Enrico Schettino. In the interview, we discuss the writing for the new EP, the songs, and what they have planned for the future.

 1. There’s so much brutality and dissonance in such a short EP. How did you guys make that happen?

Thank you. I guess it was the sense of urge and anger our lives were filled with in the middle of the “second wave” of the pandemic. I wanted to write something, and the fact it was an EP clearly relieved me of big pressure. In other words, everything came out pretty fast and natural. We enjoyed the making [of the EP], it brought us back to a “normal” time when studio time would anticipate some serious live activity. Too bad for the second part, but we had a great time.

2. For this EP, you use Aliens as your inspiration. You also used movies for past album concepts, such as David Lynch’s Lost Highway for the Simulacrum album. Why do you base album concepts off of films?

Because cinema is the form of art that had the strongest impact on me since I have memories of my own rationality. Moreover, extreme music and extreme cinema is a pretty natural bond. Not to mention the strictly musical aspect, and the way musical scores have influenced me as a listener over the years. This time with the EP, for example, inspiration came first with James Horner’s musical score — I became obsessed with it, and started seriously thinking to use some rearrangement on it. At that stage, to imagine an Alien-based album concept was a natural consequence.

3. Why cover Coheed and Cambria’s “Delirium Trigger?”

I thought about relevant metal bands that wrote Alien-related songs, but to my big surprise couldn’t find anything. Until Coheed and Cambria — which I, must admit, I’ve never listened before. After listening to “Delirium Trigger” I thought, ‘Oh boy. This will require some re-adaptation skills’. They’re a good band, but their music style is the furthest thing from ours. But I loved the challenge. The trick is, to work on a cover’s rearrangement with a third band in your mind. In this case I thought: “How would a dissonant band, like Ulcerate, deal with this music score?” I liked the idea of having huge sections with powerful, “far reaching” open chords. It’s that sort of experiment an EP allows you to. Some people will not like it, obviously. They’ll wonder “Where’s the relentless technical DM here?” Someone else might like it. Plus, of course, the cherry on the cake: Tommy Bonnevialle’s piano interlude. The idea of a piano duet with blast beats came from one of his amazing piano covers.

4. How has the pandemic affected your sound progression?

I guess we felt like we had [enough] time to try something new. An EP is perfect for this purpose: when releasing an EP you’re less afraid to experiment and even, say, an unconventional cover finds its place in the [EP]. Hopefully fans will see that Hideous Divinity is “still there” while they realized that something changed. I hope the word evolution can be applied to HD.

5. Why work with Stefan Morabito again?

It’s like coming back home. He knows us, we know him. We say we want to try something, he knows which buttons to push.  We’ve been sharing the same musical references and manias for the past 20 years, it is safe to say we understand each other!

6. Are you working on a full-length?

I will actively start working on it after summertime. I’m a very slow writer, and I work better with deadlines. We will release a new full length sometime in 2022 for sure. When exactly, it depends on many factors. Last but not least the global situation. I know I’m stating the obvious, but you can release an EP without a programmed live activity…not a full length though.

7. You can say anything you want!

Hope you’ll enjoy our “LV-426”. And that, just like Newt, you’ve all managed to face the monsters that came out during these last ugly 14 months. Can’t wait to see you guys from a stage again.

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Stephanie Jensen

My name is Stephanie Jensen. I started my career as a music journalist five years ago. I had the idea for Infernal TV when I realized I desired more creative direction. I enjoyed working with video, so I decided to create a video-based website for metal bands.

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