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Infernal TV Album Reviews

Artificial Brain – Artificial Brain Review: “This album sounds like pure destruction.”

On June 3, Artificial Brain will release their newest self-titled album. This album sounds like pure destruction. I wouldn’t expect anything less from this band, but the fact that this album is just as annihilating as other albums makes me feel good.

Now, there are some facts about the album to know first. Vocalist Will Smith is no longer in the band, but I’m reading he was on the album. There are also a number of guest appearances (most notably Luc Lemay of Gorguts and Mike Browning of Nocturnus A.D.). This is also the first album to feature guitarist Oleg Zalman. It’s not like Artificial Brain could have done much to improve the guitar section before, but adding in a third guitar player definitely gave this album the boost it needed.

The album starts with the song “Artificial Brain.” This song is already on another level, so this album is off to a great song. As in the typical Artificial Brain style, this song is brutal but features different nuances. But the more you listen, the more you appreciate these nuances. The song then transcends to a guttural style that’s slower-paced. Artificial Brain is definitely using the entire range of their musical abilities here, which makes me appreciate this band more.

A song such as “A Lofty Grave” is the perfect example of the destruction you’ll hear on this album. The song starts out crushing, with chaotic riffing and drumming. When the vocals come in, the song really pulverizes. But what I really appreciate about Artificial Brain are the subtle chord progressions that don’t sound too techy. It just changes the song only slightly, making it a little more jagged as opposed to constant brutality.

Gorguts vocalist Luc Lemay makes a guest appearance on “Insects and Android Eyes”. The riffing on this song is different from the rest of the album. The guitars are aggressive but the odd time signatures make this song more dissonant.

The album ends with “Last Words of the Wobbling Sun.” I love how Artificial Brain goes back-and-force between their chaotic sound and their bleaker sound. This song is definitely on the darker side, so much so to where the deeper parts give me chills. This doesn’t mean that this is the only style you’ll hear in this song. Toward the end, Artificial Brain changes the tone to a more melodious one, but only enough to where it still sounds crushing. Honestly, my only complaint is how this is the last song. It’s incredible and deserved to be higher up on the title track.

While I can say the guest appearances and the third guitar player make this album a success, I honestly think Artificial Brain is amazing because they honed in on their heavy yet dissonant sound. I’m just really hoping it won’t take another five years to hear another Artificial Brain album.

Rating: 9/10

Stephanie Jensen

My name is Stephanie Jensen. I started my career as a music journalist five years ago. I had the idea for Infernal TV when I realized I desired more creative direction. I enjoyed working with video, so I decided to create a video-based website for metal bands.

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