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Infernal TV Interviews

Jim Fergades of Morbid Saint Discusses Swallowed By Hell

It has been decades since we’ve gotten new material from Morbid Saint. While the second album, Destruction System, was released in 2015, they actually planned to release that album in the early 90s but it didn’t get released until later.

Swallowed by Hell takes it back to the old school. The album is fast, grimy, and features some of the best guitar work from this band.

We also have many original members back in the band.  Jay Visser still dominates on guitars with Jim Fergades, and we have Pat Lind’s iconic voice back on the album. And with all the great festivals and shows that Morbid Saint will play this year, it’s safe to say that this band won’t be going away any time soon.

I was able to speak to Fergades. In the interview, we discuss Swallowed by Hell and the shows they’re playing this year.

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Stephanie Jensen

My name is Stephanie Jensen. I started my career as a music journalist five years ago. I had the idea for Infernal TV when I realized I desired more creative direction. I enjoyed working with video, so I decided to create a video-based website for metal bands.